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It seems like a good time to make public lighting part of a more complex and efficient interconnection system, typical of the so-called Smart Cities. As the world population increases at an ever faster pace, driven by urban expansion, the idea of creating a more sustainable and liveable city is becoming more and more important.…Read more
Electric cars seem to be a hot topic on the market again. Due to the increasing levels of smog in major Italian cities, and to the widespread of pollution on a global scale, it urges the need to identify strategies to reduce the rise of carbon dioxide emissions.…Read more
Nowadays, building design must not only ensure greater energy savings, but also contribute to environmental sustainability. New buildings are the key factors of a future, where technology, and human ingenuity, will try, as asked, to reduce carbon emissions. Nevertheless, the benefits of this strategy, will extend far beyond the physical walls of a building.…Read more
It would have been hard, if only a few years ago, we had to find a reason to justify the use of electric heating systems, rather traditional ones, powered by fossil energy sources such as oil, natural gas and LPG.…Read more
Several million dollars are invested every year and research projects are carried out on a large scale, to find out more about electricity transmission between continents.…Read more
Electricity costs are determined by a number of variables. There are three different specific components that affect your bills.…Read more
Port Harcourt refinery is the largest of three refineries in Nigeria, and produces from 3 to 5 million liters of oil per day.…Read more