A new layout for LTC labels

La Triveneta Cavi has recently changed the layout of its labels, improving the readability and the clarity of the information given.

The new graphics offer several innovations, such as, among the most relevant, the CPR, which shows the European standard of reference CPR and the 9 digit DoP Code used to download the CPR Product Declaration of Performance

Read more: Dop Finder: an online tool to download the DoP

As a matter of fact, the DoP must be made available for each cable sold on the market to the end user which will have to show it to the competent authorities if they request it (art.7 of the CPR EU Regulation). It can be provided as a hard copy or electronically here: DoP Finder online

Additionally, the new labels designed by LTC report a series of pictograms that make them even easier and more immediate to read (http://www.latrivenetacavi.com/it/cavi_pittogrammi.aspx). They will also be available in PVC for reels and coils to withstand atmospheric agents.


The new labels will be available in three formats:

70 x 120 mm for reels and coils

50 x 120 mm for cardboard boxes

70 x 40 mm for small coils


exemple étiquette


On each label the following information will be displayed:


  • Name and address of the manufacturer
  • CE Marking
  • First year of manufacture showing the CE marking in accordance with the CPR regulation
  • Cable abbreviation
  • European standard of reference CPR
  • DoP number
  • Fire reaction class
  • Identification number of the Notified Body
  • Unique Product Code
  • Intended use of the product according to the European Standard
  • Pictograms, indicating instructions and/or warnings

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