Dop Finder: an online tool to download the DoP |The CPR Product Declaration of Performance

By adapting to the new CPR EU Regulation 305/2011, which introduces the obligation for the manufacturer to draw up the DoP Declaration of Performance, LTC has implemented a DoP Finder on its website to make the Declaration of Performance of certified cables, always available to the end-user.


The new CPR EU 305/2011 regulation, which entered into force on 1 July 2013, replaces the CPD Directive 89/106/EEC and aims at regulating the entry and the free movement of goods in the European construction market.

This new Regulation has replaced the EU Declaration of Conformity with the Declaration of Product Performance (DoP), a statement drawn up and released by the manufacturer on the first entry of the product in the European market.

The DoP must be made available to the end-user in a paper or electronic version. With regard to LTC cables, the DoP can be found by users on the data indicated on the label of the product packaging.

LTC labels provide the data required for the DoP along with the QR code through which you can easily get the document.

We would like to remind you that the new CPR regulation applies to all Construction Products, such as cables, intended to be permanently installed in buildings and other civil engineering works. These products will have to comply with certain requirements and performances and will, from 1 July 2017, be marketed only on the European market if accompanied by the DoP and CE marking.

This does not exclude the use of non-CPR cables on different construction and engineering works or outside the European Union.


How to download the DoP: Practical Example


LTC provides three alternatives to download the Declaration of Performance (DoP).


etichetta LTC


1. 9-digit code


To download the DoP go to

Enter the 9-digit code printed on the label of the packaging

Ex. DoP n°: 084405000

You can download the DoP in 24 European languages.

LTC how to download DoP


2. The cable description

On our website, you can partially insert the cable name to download the DoP.


3. QR code

On each label there is a QR code. Scan it using a QR code reader to download the DoP directly to your smartphone.


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