Building and renovating, while saving energy, represent the main objective of the construction industry operators. Energy losses have a great impact on the household economy, as much as they have on the industrial production cycle.
So, if we consider the negative economic impact, independently from the user’s choices, energy consumption reduction is fundamental. Through different tools, the industry experts can achieve energy systems optimization.
The different solutions rely on two main fields of action, which are: efficient energy production and intelligent exploitation of the systems (home automation).
This is an endless topic, that can be seen from different points of view. However, we will briefly analyze the matter, by presenting the cleverest solutions about the action lines mentioned above.
Efficient energy production
Different technologies, designed to optimize energy production and distribution (for more information, are used to produce intelligent energy.
The first trick to carry out an efficient and effective distribution network, consists in lessening the distances between the source and the user.
In this way, equipping users with integrated self-production energy systems and by lessening the distance between the source and the user, reduces the losses of the main distribution network. This, drastically cuts down production costs.
The self-sufficiency energy supply matter is usually solved with installing solar panels, photovoltaic solar panels, wind pumps (integrated to water collection systems), wind turbines and biomass thermal systems (or pellets).
These solutions should not be considered on their own, but as a part of a whole integration process.
The integration of different systems represents the best approach to achieve environmental sustainability with zero impact on residential and industrial areas.
The ability to combine different systems is a true art of the industry experts. When possible, they must advise customers, the most suitable solutions.
Such art is realized through two different steps: the study and the design. They can be described as follows:
– Awareness of the real needs of the user’s consumption, through checking of equipment and consumptions. (Analysis of past years’ bills, energy efficiency class of household appliances/equipment, etc.)
– Designing of the systems, according to the physical characteristics of the analyzed building
– Helping customers in selecting the most appropriate system to their needs. It doesn’t need to be the best system on the market, but the most suitable. Cabling and home electricity network planning is a vital aspect during the design process and implementation of eco-choices. In fact, unsuitable choices on cable and insulating materials can largely compromise the efficiency of the entire network. Besides, a wrong assessment of the thermal load, a part from being a dispersion of energy, can also represent a security risk.
Home Automation of home networks
Home automation is an interdisciplinary subject that combine multiple skills and techniques. The main objective of home automation is to get the perfect balance between human beings and the environment, through artificial intelligence and automation processes (especially related to energy saving). The whole subject relies on a fundamental principle that goes beyond the simple checking of energy consumption and cut of energy costs. In fact, home automation allows every user to know exactly (at all time) the electricity consumption, allowing an ideal management of local energy needs.
Many systems contribute creating a smart energy-saving environment.
The freedom of choice is strictly connected to the planning of the project. In fact, creating a brand-new space allows maximum freedom of choice, while renovating and adapting existing places, entails major problems and limits. Therefore, we will focus on the second as it demands more thinking.
From many points of view, home automation integrates domestic self-production energy with the aid of the devices we mentioned above. Home automation automates processes.
Temperature mapping of the house different rooms, represent one of the main solutions for adjusting the energy process. In fact, thermal sensors are essential to adjust properly the heating system. They will activate and deactivate the main and secondary systems depending on specific needs.
For example, let’s try to imagine a space equipped with a multifunctional heat source (main system) and with a solar thermal source (secondary system).
The multifunctional system brings up the temperature as it has a higher heat power. Once the ideal temperature is reached in the room, the solar thermal system (with a lower heat power) activates to keep the temperature constant.
This is also applicable to produce sanitary water. About home lighting, an on-off timer can determine a significant cut of energy costs. These solutions are particularly suitable for industrial plants, however, they also exist for households.
Creating a parallel power supply system could represent an ideal solution. It could take care of specific electricity consumptions, during daytime and nighttime hours (indoor or outdoor). You will achieve a 20% cut of the electrical leakage.
The above mentioned advice, integrated with iCloud or Wi-Fi technologies, will allow you to know exactly your consumptions and effectively manage your sources and your equipment. We must point out that carrying out an alternative power supply system, needs a careful study on the cables to use depending on the energy absorption you planned.
Once you’ve planned how to structure the system (how to power outdoor lights, cameras, emergency, alarms, etc.) you cannot add any extra consumptions. This is a disadvantage.
The best solution could be the use of a remote control technology. This allows, through the Internet, to disable or enable households (or the company) electrical appliances, with a simple touch screen.
Thanks to global interconnectivity technologies, we will be able to control not only lighting and heating, but irrigation shutters and much more such as managing emergencies for gas or water leaks.