On the 10th July 2015 the Official Journal of the European Union (C 226/49) has published the new standard EN 50575 “Energy control and communications Cables – Cables of all types used in construction works with requirements for Reaction to Fire”, so this is officially recognized as a harmonized standard.
Following this publication, all cable manufacturers will in fact also have to follow the prescriptions of the EU Regulation nr. 305/2011 relating to construction products (CPR Regulation).
LTC is proactive to make sure their cables will comply with the new European classifications, which will be decided within each European nation for its own market, in order to be aligned with the CPR regulation as a guarantee for all our customers.
Here, below, the link to download the full text: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.C_.2015.226.01.0049.01.ENG