Electrical safety in residential buildings is an essential element to make a system efficient from an electrical point of view and for a long period.
Let’s find out together which elements need to be taken into account, especially about the electrician and electrical installer who must be specialist in the field.
The importance of electrical system documentation
When it comes to the installing of an electrical system whose functionality must be aimed at the pursuit of maximum safety, the problem of documentation is certainly one of the most critical.
The most critical document is the declaration of conformity, based on which it is possible to verify the precise characteristics of an electrical system.
The electrician is the key figure but often the commissioning is not communicated to the bodies that deal with safety, as well as the minutes relating to the periodic verification are not visible.
These are small aspects that must be monitored step by step, to ensure all the electrical safety required within any residential building. In this regard, a leading role is certainly played by the administrator of the residential building, who must make a careful assessment of the risks.
Hazards that may occur at any time include a possible short circuit, sudden lightning strike or even damage from explosive substances. In any case, an electrical system must comply with a series of safety standards and must be subject to regular and constant maintenance to ensure that its performance does not fall at a distance.
The role of electricians and electrical installers regarding safety
When you start to deal more thoroughly with electrical safety in residential buildings, you must choose an electrical installer who knows how to keep the situation under control, as well as a team of electricians who can assist him properly in every single step. In several cases, the installer coincides with the designer and in most cases assumes full responsibility for the circumstances in which accidents occur.
When a residential building administrator orders a series of interventions to be completed within a certain period on some systems, the installer must base his work on a project designed in detail by the person in charge and must ensure that the system can always keep to its full potential. At the same time, this worker is required to provide a series of instructions to his employees relating to the safety of the residential area, to use electricity in the best possible way.
As already mentioned above, after the completion of the work, the electrical installer must not forget to issue the declaration of conformity to the employer. It is a document that underlines the perfect execution of the various works required, and it is essential to remove any kind of civil and criminal liability to the administrator of the residential building.
Risk assessment to avoid any inconvenience
Overall, the process of seeking maximum electrical safety in residential building is long and elaborate, with the coming into play of many stakeholders, each of whom must comply with specific deliveries. However, any type of intervention aimed at improving the overall performance must be preceded by a careful and methodical risk assessment, without which the probability of having to face accidents of any kind can grow exponentially.
Each building must be analyzed in its solidity and stability, it is important to control possible collapses, infiltrations, and any other problem concerning the outside façades, the balconies, the tiles and the chimneys. Attention should also be paid to escape routes and emergency lighting, without neglecting all the systems used for protection from possible fires. If all the conditions are fully compliant with the search for maximum electrical safety in residential buildings, it is possible to operate at best to make safety more efficient from every point of view.