Shared ownership wind farm

Wind farms are developing in Italy too, but we are still far from the European standards. However, wind energy has widely developed, unlike other European countries. There has been a clear improvement since 2014 when the Italian wind energy production has dramatically increased up to bring Italy to the fifth place in the ranking of the Old Continent. The main problem concerns wind farms: many areas that could make the most of the wind for wind production, aren’t covered with wind farms.
energia eolica
The cost of a wind farm is holding back the development and the construction of new farms; it is precisely for this reason that a new formula has been proposed, i.e. shared ownership wind farm. Below you will find out on what they consist and what are all the advantages.


What are shared ownership wind farms?

In Italy shared ownership wind farms are not very developed compared to the rest of Europe, but in many countries such as Germany and Denmark, they are widely widespread. This formula is very convenient and allows you to buy shares related to a wind farm and get benefits. In this way, there is a considerable saving since the construction of a wind farm requires a big money investment.
By doing so everyone can own a portion of the wind farm: not only large companies but also small companies can invest in this form of alternative energy.

Moreover, in many countries the existing legal framework in this field allows community-owned cooperatives to buy a wind farm and to share the expenses: the earnings will be divided according to the number of owners, but many families can make a substantial gain from the energy produced. A way to save on energy, but above all to make some money. In Italy, this formula is not developed at all and many citizens are not aware of this purchasing method.


What are the benefits of a shared ownership wind farm?

Many are the advantages of buying shared ownership wind farms. Here you will find a list of the benefits you can get:

  • Saving on energy production. The wind farm system let you save on energy production because compared to classic energy plants, it does not change anything in terms of production. Thanks to this new system, families become energetically self-sufficient and join by putting together their finances.
  • Gain. In Denmark, for instance, this is already a reality: you invest a small amount and you buy the shares of the wind farm. Thanks to a current law it is possible to supply energy to the neighbouring areas while getting an excellent income.
  • Low environmental impact. Wind energy is one of the cleanest renewable sources, which means a very low environmental impact. The turbines are environmentally friendly, but above all, they do not exploit the energies originated from fossil fuels.
  • Savings on wind farm construction. Building a wind farm is really expensive. Prices are very high, even if over time savings will lead to a good profit. Despite this, the investment is very high, that is why building a shared ownership wind farm could represent a real saving.


Is it really convenient to own a shared ownership wind farm?

Many people wonder whether it is really convenient to own a shared ownership wind farm. The question is legitimate since this formula is very little developed in our country. There is very little information about this subject and few really know how a wind farm works. The construction demands a big investment, so getting back your money won’t be easy. It is exactly for this reason that large companies, which can afford such investments, are favoured.

A shared ownership wind farm, if purchased by a private cooperative can be really convenient. Participating in the investment sometimes requires a much smaller amount and could be a great way to make money in the future. In any case, you would save on the energy produced and above all you would use a clean energy source. The convenience is considerable, but of course, it remains an investment to be made in the long run. In addition, the area must also be favourable: a windy field is needed to install the plant and get more benefits.


Shared ownership wind farms in Italy

As we have already mentioned, information on this matter is very incomplete. There are very few wind farms in our country compared to the European standards, and the lack of regulation in this regard has left many obscure points on the matter. Since Italian companies are not very strong in this field, many municipal administrations have decided to grant the windiest territories to foreign companies. In the southern part of our country, there are several wind farms, but shared ownership doesn’t exist.

To invest as a private citizen, you need to have the necessary information: in Italy, there is constant distrust on the topic of “renewable energy”, so it is difficult for citizens to buy such a system using this formula. It is sure that several companies have founded a task force to buy the shares and benefit from the advantages. In Italy, the situation still remains unclear, especially for these types of systems.


The situation in Europe: Denmark ranked first in shared ownership wind farms

If in our country the matter is quite serious, in Denmark the situation is completely different. Shared ownership is very often used by community-owned cooperatives who decide to purchase these facilities. This is made even easier thanks to the Danish Government and to the regulations in force: those who develop a new plant are forced to sell at least 20% to those who live within 5 km. In this way, those who purchase a new wind farm know already that according to the law, they will have to sell a part of that energy.

Citizens will thus contribute producing clean energy from renewable sources, but above all they can express their opinion on this type of positive energy. The spread of a similar idea allows to have a greater appeal, and therefore the production and the purchase of this new formula have dramatically increased.

Unfortunately, in our country, there isn’t an adequate knowledge on the subject. Greater information and above all a greater awareness regarding new ways to produce energy are needed.


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