How to design an emergency lighting system: criteria and rules
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Ordinary lighting, which we very often take for granted, is a fundamental element in everyday life because it allows us to find our way out of buildings and regulates the operation of appliances and an unknown number of devices in hospitals.

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Voltage fluctuations: what are the effects on various devices and how to prevent them
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It is now unthinkable to live without electrical and electronic devices. They are used in houses and offices, but also companies and businesses. 

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Electrification of Africa with renewables: where are we?
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Until recently, renewable energies sources were an expensive choice that governments in industrialized countries had to finance to show their will to change to clean energy.

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The problem of electronic waste caused by planned obsolescence
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In a world governed by electronic devices, one of the problems faced by consumers concerns programmed obsolescence. 

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Led Lamps that flicker when switched on, but also when they are switched off. Is it possible?
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Even when they are turned off led bulbs may begin to produce a bright flicker and blink for a few minutes. How can you solve this problem?

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PVSITES: the European project on Building Integrated Photovoltaics
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The European Union has recently given the go-ahead to the PVSITES project, whose aim is to make the installation of new generation photovoltaic panels easier, thus encouraging a more massive diffusion.

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Smart solar blinds: advantages and disadvantages of installing this kind of blinds
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Increased attention to the environment and the awareness that exhaustible natural resources are exhaustible have led scholars to look for alternative sources of energy and renewable energy sources.

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Electric cables on the highway for electric trucks? What are the pros and cons
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Nowadays, unfortunately, pollution is a problem that cannot be solved. Much is also due to the use of cars and trucks which, are extremely polluting when they travel for long distances. 


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The new trends for home automation
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Home automation has gained incredible success in recent times. Just think that people are now abandoning the obsolete energy and security systems to move to systems equipped with artificial intelligence. 

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Earth Conductor: why it is important to follow the rules
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The complexity of today’s electrical systems requires earth conductors. Earth conductors are fundamental for getting a job done with any problems or interruptions. However, many people underestimate this aspect.

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