The best 2016 smart thermostats
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What are smart thermostats? They are temperature controllers featuring a very special and unique technology, that enables them to be controlled remotely, via a smartphone or through other supported devices.…Read more

Tesla Powerwall – What is it and how does it work?
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The innovative electrical energy storage known as Tesla Powerwall seems to be very popular. This home device allows minimizing the taking of electricity from the main grid. Only a few months after the release of the battery, the American company Tesla Motors received orders for over 38,000 units.…Read more

Hyperloop, the ultra-fast means of transport
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Our extremely modern and overly hectic daily life has made us used to the best technologies to improve our lifestyle. The Hyperloop project can be considered as part of these new technologies as it could seriously revolutionize the transport industry.…Read more

What are lithium-air batteries and how do they work?
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Lithium batteries are special energy storage, with a high efficiency and a long life. Thanks to these almost unique features, lithium batteries play a major role in the electronics market. Their success will definitely continue in the future.…Read more

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La Triveneta Cavi in partnership with UK Cables – one of our most important distributors in the UK market – is about to launch a new promotional campaign reserved for the customers of UK Cables in its branches of Birmingham, Gateshead, London and Manchester.…Read more

Do LEDs represent the lighting system of the future, or do we have to expect something better?
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Do LEDs represent the perfect lighting system or are we going sooner or later to invent a more sophisticated technology that will allow a better lighting? It is hard to say if yes or not. First of all, we should try to explain how LEDs work.…Read more

Advantages and disadvantages of smart locks
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It seems that in the future, we will be relying even more often on technology and less on mechanical devices. Conventional locks are not excluded, as they will be destined to leave their place to smart locks. Technology has many advantages. It simplifies and helps us in our everyday life, but we should remember that, it is not always gold that glitters.…Read more

Advantages and disadvantages of lithium batteries
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When it comes to lithium batteries, very often, there is the confusion on how they should be used and even more often, people don’t know, how they should recharge them, compared to the old obsolete nickel batteries.…Read more

What’s the Nest Thermostat, how does it work and how should you install it?
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Launched on the US market in 2012 and adapted to the Italian power grid only two years later, the Nest Thermostat is an intelligent device for the control and management of the heating system in your house. Equipped with Wi-Fi, this thermostat can also be controlled remotely allowing you to adjust the room temperature even when you are out.…Read more

Superconductivity – What are the superconductors?
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Superconductors are special materials that, when cooled to the critical temperature, reduce their electrical resistivity down to zero, and they become superconductors. Superconducting materials, that reach the critical temperature, become the best electricity conductors.…Read more